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Leading questions (with examples): What, why, and types (2024)

This article explains what leading questions are, why they are important, and provides examples of the different types of leading questions.

January 22, 2024
Team Blitzllama

Product owners and user researchers often struggle with the challenge of obtaining accurate user feedback. 

Ever wondered why your survey responses seem biased or incomplete? Leading questions might be the culprit. 

Understanding what leading questions are and why they pose a problem is crucial for crafting effective surveys.

In this article, we unravel the mystery behind leading questions, explore their impact, and provide practical examples of different types. 

Equip yourself with the knowledge to ask questions that truly unveil user perspectives, enhancing the quality of your product research.

What are leading questions?

Leading questions are queries that subtly guide respondents toward a specific answer, potentially influencing their responses.

They often contain assumptions or suggest desired outcomes. 

Product owners and researchers should be cautious about using leading questions as they may introduce bias and compromise the validity of findings. 

To maintain objectivity, it's crucial to frame questions neutrally, avoiding preconceived notions. 

This ensures that insights collected accurately reflect user perspectives, fostering unbiased decision-making in product development. 

Now that we've defined what leading questions are, let's delve into their impact on user research and why they warrant careful consideration.

How do leading questions affect user research?

Leading questions wield considerable influence on user research outcomes, potentially skewing data and compromising the validity of findings. 

By inadvertently guiding participants towards desired responses, these questions can distort the user experience insights crucial for informed decision-making. 

Recognizing the impact of leading questions is pivotal for product owners and user researchers striving for unbiased and actionable results:

1) Misinformed product decisions

Leading questions in user research can misguide product owners, leading to uninformed decisions. 

When questions subtly steer participants towards a desired response, the resulting data may not accurately represent user opinions. 

This distortion can cloud the understanding of user needs and preferences, ultimately influencing product decisions based on skewed information. 

To ensure the integrity of decision-making, it is crucial to employ neutral and open-ended questions in user research, allowing users to express their thoughts genuinely.

2) Inauthentic and unreliable data

The impact of leading questions extends to the reliability of collected data. 

When users feel pressured to conform to implicit suggestions, their responses become less authentic. 

Inaccurate data can compromise the validity of research findings, leading product owners to base crucial decisions on unreliable information. 

To maintain the authenticity of user data, researchers should refrain from using leading questions and instead focus on creating an environment that encourages honest and unbiased responses from participants.

3) Reduced exploration

Leading questions can limit the depth of user exploration, hindering the discovery of valuable insights. 

By subtly directing participants towards specific aspects, researchers may inadvertently overlook unexpected user needs or preferences. 

This narrowed focus may result in a product that addresses only surface-level concerns, missing out on opportunities for innovation and differentiation. 

To foster comprehensive exploration, researchers should craft questions that allow users to freely express their experiences and opinions without influence.

4) Wasted resources

The use of leading questions in user research can lead to the misallocation of resources. 

If decisions are based on distorted data, resources may be invested in the wrong features or improvements, resulting in a product that fails to meet user expectations. 

Additionally, the time and effort spent on conducting research with leading questions may yield little actionable insight. 

To avoid wasted resources, product owners must prioritize the use of unbiased and open-ended questions, ensuring that research efforts translate into meaningful and impactful outcomes for the product.

To navigate the challenges posed by leading questions, it's essential to recognize the various types that exist. 

Let's explore the four main categories of leading questions next.

What are the 5 main types of leading questions?

In user research, leading questions manifest in various forms. There are four primary types to be mindful of: assumptive, statement-based, coercive, and consequential questions. 

Types of leading questions

Each type carries its own set of challenges and can impact the integrity of your research differently.

1) Assumptive leading questions

Assumptive leading questions guide respondents towards a particular answer by presupposing a specific scenario. In product research, this could involve assuming a positive experience to influence feedback. Consider:

  • Framing questions with embedded assumptions about the product's benefits.
  • Encouraging users to confirm presumed advantages, potentially skewing responses.
  • Using language that presupposes a certain behavior or perception.

Bad Example: "Since most users find this feature very useful, how has it improved your workflow?"

Good Example: "How do you currently use the feature in your workflow?"

Avoid assumptions to ensure unbiased user feedback and uncover authentic insights into product experiences.

2) Statement-based leading questions

Statement-based leading questions present respondents with statements rather than open-ended queries. In user research, this technique can unintentionally influence opinions. Be cautious of:

  • Offering predetermined viewpoints for agreement or disagreement.
  • Crafting questions that presuppose a certain stance, limiting diverse perspectives.
  • Creating an environment where users may feel compelled to align with presented statements.

Bad example: "The new design is more user-friendly, right?"

Good example: "Tell me about your experience with the current design."

Opt for open-ended inquiries to encourage users to express their genuine thoughts, fostering a more comprehensive understanding of user experiences.

3) Coercive leading questions

Coercive leading questions employ subtle pressure or influence to guide respondents towards a specific response. In product research, coercion can compromise the authenticity of user feedback. Be mindful of:

  • Using emotionally charged language that may sway responses.
  • Introducing subtle cues that encourage users to provide desired answers.
  • Employing tactics that unintentionally coerce users into aligning with expectations.

Bad example: "You haven't faced any significant issues with the latest update, have you?"

Good example: "What challenges have you encountered while using the product?"

Maintain a neutral tone and avoid coercive elements to ensure honest and unbiased user insights, crucial for refining products effectively.

4) Consequential leading questions

Consequential leading questions hint at potential outcomes, encouraging respondents to consider repercussions when answering. In product research, this may impact the accuracy of user feedback. Watch out for:

  • Framing questions with implied consequences, influencing user perceptions.
  • Introducing scenarios that may prompt users to modify responses based on anticipated outcomes.
  • Unintentionally steering respondents towards specific reactions by highlighting potential consequences.

Bad example: "Assuming these changes are implemented, it will make your job easier, right?"

Good example: "How do you think the proposed changes will impact your daily tasks?"

Choose questions that focus on immediate experiences rather than hypothetical outcomes to obtain user insights unaffected by perceived consequences.

5) Loaded questions

Loaded questions are a specific form of biased questioning that incorporates assumptions, often carrying an implicit agenda or predisposition. These questions are designed to lead respondents towards a particular answer or to provoke a specific reaction, making them a potential pitfall in unbiased research. It's important to be aware of:

  • Implied assumptions or values embedded within the question.
  • The potential for leading respondents to a predetermined conclusion.
  • How loaded questions can unintentionally introduce bias into the data collection process.

Bad Example: "Don't you agree that our product is the most innovative in the market?"

Good Example: "What factors do you consider when evaluating the innovativeness of a product?"

By steering clear of loaded questions, researchers can maintain the integrity of the data and ensure that responses accurately reflect the diverse perspectives and experiences of users.

Now that we've outlined the types of leading questions, let's differentiate between leading and loaded questions to provide clarity on these commonly confused concepts.

Subtle difference between leading questions vs loaded questions

Leading questions and loaded questions have slightly distinct purposes in the realm of user research. 

A leading question guides respondents towards a desired answer, potentially skewing results. 

In contrast, a loaded question is deliberately phrased to provoke a specific response, often introducing bias. 

For product owners and user researchers, understanding the disparities is crucial for unbiased data collection. 

The table below illustrates key differences:

leading vs loaded questions

Being mindful of these differences empowers product owners and researchers to design surveys and interviews that yield objective insights, fostering better-informed decisions.

With the distinction between leading and loaded questions clarified, let's delve into practical examples of leading questions to better grasp how they can manifest in user research.

What are some of the examples of leading questions?

Concrete examples are invaluable for grasping the nuances of leading questions. By examining real-world scenarios, product owners and user researchers can hone their skills in identifying and mitigating leading questions. 

Let's explore instances where seemingly innocuous queries can inadvertently introduce bias into the research process:

Leading question example #1: Assumption-based leading questions in customer effort surveys

In customer effort surveys, the framing of questions can inadvertently lead respondents towards a particular answer, skewing the results. 

Consider the question: “Is it easy for you to use [product feature]?” This assumes the user finds the product feature easy to use, potentially biasing their response. 

Instead, a neutral and open-ended approach is recommended: “How was your experience using [product feature]?

leading questions example 1

This revised question allows users to express their true sentiments without being influenced by the assumption embedded in the original query. 

Product owners and user researchers should strive for clarity and objectivity in their survey questions to obtain genuine insights from users.

Leading question example #2: Direct implication questions in net promoter score surveys

Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys aim to gauge customer loyalty and satisfaction. 

However, the framing of questions can impact the reliability of responses. 

A leading question like, “If you enjoyed using [product name], how likely are you to recommend [product name] to others?” implies a positive experience, potentially leading users to rate their likelihood of recommendation higher. 

A better alternative is a direct inquiry: “On a scale from 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend [product name] to others?

leading questions example 2

By avoiding direct implications and framing questions in a straightforward manner, product owners can gather more accurate data on customer satisfaction levels, aiding in informed decision-making and strategic planning.

Leading question example #3: Coercive leading questions in product feedback surveys

Product feedback surveys should aim for unbiased responses, steering clear of questions that may coerce users into specific opinions. 

Consider the question: “Our recent product updates are helpful, aren’t they?” This coercive approach may lead users to agree even if they harbor reservations. 

A preferable alternative is: “How would you rate our recent product updates?

leading questions example 3

By posing questions neutrally, product owners create an environment where users feel comfortable providing honest feedback, facilitating a more accurate assessment of the product's strengths and areas for improvement.

Leading question example #4: Interconnected statements in leading questions for customer feedback surveys

The structure of questions in customer feedback surveys can impact the reliability of the obtained data. 

For instance, the question, “Our customer service has resolved your help request in a timely manner. Do you find them supportive?” establishes a connection between promptness and support, potentially influencing the user's response. 

A more effective approach is to separate the statements: “Based on your recent interactions with our customer service, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with our company?

leading questions example 4

By disentangling statements, product owners and user researchers encourage respondents to independently evaluate different aspects, yielding insights that are more nuanced and reflective of their true experiences.

Leading question example #5: Leading questions to ask for product development ideas

When seeking input for product development, it's crucial to avoid leading questions that presuppose user needs. 

For instance, consider the question: “Based on your experience with our analytics feature, what other analytics functions would you like to see?” This question assumes a desire for additional analytics functions without allowing users to express their unique needs. 

A more effective approach is to inquire broadly: “What improvements or new features would you like to see in our analytics capabilities?

leading questions example 5

By maintaining an open-ended format, product owners can uncover diverse perspectives, fostering innovation and ensuring that product development aligns closely with user preferences and requirements.

Leading question example #6: Leading questions to gain actionable insights

To extract actionable insights from users, questions should avoid suggesting specific issues. 

For example, “It looks like you haven’t [done a core task]. Is there anything we can do to improve your experience?” implies users face challenges due to incomplete tasks. 

A more neutral and open-ended version is: “Is there anything we can do to improve your experience with [core task]?

lading questions example 6

This reframing allows users to share their experiences and propose solutions without being directed towards a specific issue. 

By crafting questions carefully, product owners can derive insights that lead to meaningful enhancements in user experience and overall product satisfaction.

Now equipped with examples, let's shift our focus to proactive measures. How can you avoid falling into the trap of asking leading questions in your user research? Let's explore some practical strategies.

How do you avoid leading questions?

Avoiding leading questions requires a proactive approach and a keen awareness of potential biases. By implementing the following strategies product owners and user researchers can foster an environment that encourages candid and unbiased responses from participants:

Avoid leading questions

1) Embrace open-ended questions

To avoid leading questions, prioritize open-ended inquiries. 

Instead of steering participants toward a specific response, ask questions that encourage thoughtful and detailed answers. 

For example, replace "Did you like the new feature?" with "Tell me about your experience with the new feature." 

Open-ended questions empower participants to express their opinions without feeling confined to predefined options, yielding more valuable insights for product owners and user researchers.

2) Avoid suggesting answers

Resist the temptation to embed potential answers within your questions. 

Leading questions often contain subtle cues that guide participants toward a specific response. 

For instance, reframing "How easy was it to use the intuitive interface?" to "What was your experience using the interface?" eliminates suggestive elements. 

By maintaining question neutrality, you ensure unbiased participant feedback, fostering a clearer understanding of user perceptions and preferences.

3) Steer clear of yes/no or either/or questions

Opt for questions that prompt participants to elaborate rather than ones inviting a simple "yes" or "no." Closed-ended inquiries limit insights and may inadvertently shape responses. 

For instance, replace "Did you find the website helpful?" with "How did you find the website experience?". 

This encourages participants to share their thoughts in a more nuanced manner, providing richer data for product owners and user researchers to make informed decisions.

4) Use neutral language

Choose words carefully to maintain objectivity. Neutral language helps prevent leading questions by avoiding terms that may sway participant responses. 

For instance, replace "How satisfied were you with the amazing features?" with "What are your thoughts on the features?" 

Using neutral language ensures that participants form opinions without external influence, aiding product owners and user researchers in obtaining genuine feedback on their products or services.

5) Watch out for assumptions

Be mindful of assumptions that may inadvertently creep into your questions. 

Assumptions can lead participants to align their responses with perceived expectations. 

For example, rephrase "Since the recent update, have you noticed improved performance?" to "What changes, if any, have you observed after the recent update?". 

By avoiding assumptions, you create a space for participants to share their authentic experiences and insights, contributing to more accurate assessments for product owners and user researchers.

6) Pilot test your questions

Before deploying surveys or conducting interviews, pilot test your questions to identify and rectify any potential leading elements. 

This proactive step allows you to refine your inquiries based on participant reactions. 

For example, observe if participants exhibit confusion or bias during the pilot test, and adjust your questions accordingly. 

Piloting ensures that the questions effectively capture unbiased feedback, enabling product owners and user researchers to gather reliable data for informed decision-making.


In conclusion, understanding leading questions is pivotal for product owners and user researchers. 

Recognizing their impact on data integrity and user feedback is crucial. 

By comprehending what constitutes a leading question and why they should be avoided, professionals can enhance the reliability of their research. 

The types of leading questions, exemplified through clear examples, offer practical insights. 

Steering clear of leading questions ensures unbiased and authentic user responses, leading to more informed decision-making in product development. 

Embracing a question-centric approach fosters a user-centric environment, facilitating the creation of products that genuinely meet user needs.

FAQs related to leading questions

1) What are considered leading questions?

Leading questions are queries that subtly guide or prompt the respondent towards a specific answer or viewpoint. They often contain presuppositions or assumptions that may influence the person's response. These questions tend to be suggestive in nature, potentially biasing the answers given.

2) What is an example of a leading question in an interview?

An example of a leading question in an interview could be: "Don't you agree that our product is the best on the market?" This question presupposes a positive response and guides the interviewee towards affirming the superiority of the product.

3) What is an example of a leading question in a sentence?

An example of a leading question in a sentence could be: "Wasn't the user interface incredibly user-friendly?" This question implies that the user interface was indeed user-friendly, leading the respondent to agree with the statement.

4) Which of the following is an example of a leading question?

"How satisfied are you with our product?"

"Wouldn't you say our product is superior to others?"

"What improvements would you suggest for our service?"

"Can you describe your experience with our website?"

The correct answer is option 2: "Wouldn't you say our product is superior to others?" This question subtly guides the respondent towards acknowledging the superiority of the product, making it a leading question.