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NPS email: A complete guide on NPS survey emails (2024)

Struggling to get NPS responses? Discover proven strategies to boost engagement & completion rates with our comprehensive email writing guide.

January 16, 2024
Team Blitzllama

Ever sent out NPS survey emails that seem to vanish into the digital abyss? You're not alone.

Many product teams face the challenge of crafting NPS emails that not only get opened but also prompt customers to share their insights.

Understanding the frustration, we empathize with the quest for a simple yet effective solution.

This article will be your go-to resource for creating compelling NPS emails that boost response rates.

No more guesswork! Just practical tips to ensure your NPS emails resonate with customers and empower your product team with actionable feedback.

What is NPS?

NPS, or Net Promoter Score, measures customer satisfaction by asking a simple question: "How likely are you to recommend our product to others?" Customers respond on a scale from 0 to 10. Those who score 9-10 are promoters, 7-8 are passive, and 0-6 are detractors. 

To calculate NPS, subtract the percentage of detractors from promoters. The result gives a clear picture of customer loyalty. Higher NPS indicates satisfied customers and potential growth. 

Product teams use NPS to identify areas for improvement, focusing on enhancing customer experience. Regular NPS tracking helps teams gauge product success and align strategies with customer needs.

Now that we've covered the basics of NPS, let's explore why this metric holds significant importance for product teams striving to build lasting customer relationships.

NPS: Why is it important?

Discover the key reasons why NPS is a crucial metric for product teams. From its direct impact on customer retention to its ability to identify areas for improvement, understanding why NPS matters is essential for leveraging its full potential:

Importance of NPS survey

1) Measuring customer loyalty

Net Promoter Score (NPS) matters for product teams as it serves as a straightforward metric to gauge customer loyalty. 

By asking a simple question – “How likely is it that you would recommend our product to a friend or colleague?” – teams can quantify customer satisfaction. 

The score categorizes respondents into promoters, passives, or detractors, providing a clear indicator of the overall loyalty level. 

This uncomplicated measurement aids in understanding how well a product resonates with its users, forming a foundational element for product improvement.

2) Actionable insights

NPS goes beyond a mere numerical value; it offers actionable insights that drive meaningful improvements. 

The follow-up open-ended question, often included in NPS surveys, allows customers to express their thoughts freely. 

Analyzing these comments unveils specific pain points or delightful experiences. Product teams can then pinpoint areas for enhancement or capitalize on strengths. 

This direct feedback loop empowers teams to make informed decisions and implement changes that resonate with customers, fostering a more responsive and customer-centric product development process.

3) Focus on the customer experience

NPS places an emphasis on the customer experience, aligning product teams with user expectations. 

By concentrating on the end-to-end customer journey, teams gain a holistic view of their product's impact. 

Whether it's ease of use, helpful support, or timely updates, NPS encapsulates the customer’s overall perception. 

This focus on experience ensures that product development aligns with user needs, promoting a user-friendly environment that enhances satisfaction and loyalty.

4) Benchmarking and comparison

Utilizing NPS allows product teams to benchmark their performance against industry standards and competitors. 

By understanding how their NPS compares to others in the market, teams gain valuable insights into their relative standing. 

This comparative analysis serves as a compass, guiding teams to identify strengths to capitalize on and weaknesses to address. 

This competitive awareness fosters a proactive approach to staying ahead in the market, making NPS a pivotal tool for product teams seeking continuous improvement.

Now that we grasp the significance of NPS, let's explore the various methods available for conducting NPS surveys and gathering valuable customer feedback.

What are the various ways to perform NPS surveys?

In this section, we'll explore the diverse methods available for conducting NPS surveys. Whether you prefer in-app surveys, email surveys, or other channels, we'll break down the options:

1) In-app:

In-app surveys provide a direct way to gather NPS feedback from users within your application. 

By integrating surveys seamlessly into the user interface, you can capture real-time sentiments. 

Users are prompted to share their opinions while engaging with your product, ensuring the feedback is relevant and immediate. 

This method is effective for app-focused product teams seeking instant insights into user satisfaction. 

It simplifies the feedback process, enhancing response rates and offering a convenient user experience.

In-app NPS survey

2) Email:

Sending NPS surveys via email is a widely adopted approach. It allows product teams to reach a broad audience efficiently. 

Craft a concise email with a clear call-to-action, inviting users to provide feedback through a simple survey link. 

Email surveys are versatile, suitable for various industries, and can be scheduled strategically to align with user interactions or milestones. 

However, maintaining a balance between seeking valuable insights and avoiding survey fatigue is crucial for optimal response rates.

Email NPS survey

3) Links:

Distributing survey links through different channels, such as social media or chat platforms, widens the reach beyond in-app and email methods. 

This approach accommodates users who may not regularly engage with the app or check emails. Shareable links make it easy for users to participate at their convenience. 

However, it's important to personalize the messaging and choose appropriate platforms to ensure the survey reaches the intended audience. 

Trackable links also provide valuable data on the effectiveness of each distribution channel.

Link NPS survey
Source: Delighted

4) Phone call:

Engaging users through phone calls for NPS surveys offers a more personal touch. While this method requires more resources, it can yield in-depth insights. 

A brief, scripted conversation allows for clarifications and additional context to be gathered, enhancing the richness of the feedback. 

However, it's essential to respect users' preferences and offer an opt-out option. Phone surveys are particularly beneficial for high-touch products or services where building a direct relationship with users is crucial. 

Striking a balance between gathering comprehensive insights and respecting user privacy is key to success.

Having learned about the various methods, let's now focus on one specific approach – conducting NPS surveys via email – and uncover effective strategies for implementation.

How to perform an NPS survey via email?

Email surveys are a powerful way to collect NPS feedback. In this section, we'll guide you through the steps of creating effective NPS email surveys. From crafting compelling subject lines to designing user-friendly surveys, we'll provide practical tips to ensure your email surveys yield meaningful insights from your customers:

1) Subject Line:

Crafting a compelling subject line is crucial to ensure your NPS survey email grabs the recipient's attention. Product teams, striving for valuable feedback, should focus on simplicity and clarity. Here are some tips and examples to guide you:

NPS email subject line

Tips for Writing a Compelling Subject Line:

Be Clear and Direct: Clearly state the purpose of the email in the subject line, making it evident that you're seeking feedback. Example: "Your Opinion Matters: Quick Feedback Request"

Use Personalization: Incorporate the recipient's name or mention their recent interaction with the product for a personalized touch. Example: "John, We Want to Hear Your Thoughts!"

Create Urgency: Encourage prompt responses by implying a sense of urgency without being overly aggressive. Example: "Last Chance to Share Your Feedback!"

Examples for different NPS email scenarios:

Post-Purchase Feedback:

Subject Line: "Thanks for Your Recent Purchase! Tell Us About Your Experience."

Feature Enhancement Request:

Subject Line: "Help Us Improve! Share Your Thoughts on Our Latest Feature"

General Feedback Request:

Subject Line: "Your Input Needed: Quick Product Feedback Request"

2) Email Body:

a) Opening:

Begin with a warm greeting and consider personalizing the email based on the recipient's engagement history. Clearly communicate the purpose of the email, emphasizing the value of their feedback. Keep the tone friendly, conversational, and respectful.

Example Opening: 

NPS email opening

b) The NPS Question:

Present the NPS question using a simple 0-10 scale, explaining its meaning for clarity. Optionally, include a brief follow-up question to gather deeper insights.

Example NPS Question: 

NPS email question

c) Closing:

Express gratitude for their time and feedback. Provide a clear call to action (CTA) to take the survey, and consider offering an incentive for increased response rates.

Example Closing: 

NPS email closing

3) Design and Formatting:

Ensure your NPS survey email is visually appealing, easy to read, and optimized for mobile devices with a responsive layout.

Visually appealing design: Use a clean and simple survey design that aligns with your brand. Include minimal graphics to avoid distraction and focus the recipient's attention on the survey.

Mobile-friendly layout: Optimize the email for mobile users, as many recipients may access emails on their smartphones. Use a responsive layout that adjusts to different screen sizes.

Clear buttons and links: Include prominent buttons and links leading directly to the survey. Ensure they are easily clickable, even on mobile devices, to facilitate a seamless survey-taking experience.

By following these simple yet effective practices product teams can enhance the chances of receiving valuable feedback through NPS surveys via email.

Now that we've covered the implementation of NPS surveys via email, let's explore tips to make these surveys even more effective in capturing meaningful feedback.

Tips to make your NPS email surveys effective

Optimizing your NPS email surveys can significantly impact the quality of feedback you receive. Discover actionable tips to enhance the effectiveness of your surveys, from segmentation to A/B testing of your NPS email.

NPS email tips

Implementing these strategies will help you gather more valuable insights and improve your product based on customer feedback:

1) Segmentation

Segmentation is crucial in maximizing the effectiveness of your NPS (Net Promoter Score) email surveys. Tailoring emails to specific customer segments ensures higher relevance and more actionable insights. For instance, consider segmenting based on purchase history or product usage. By doing so, you can craft surveys that resonate with the unique experiences of different customer groups.

For example, if you have customers who frequently purchase a particular product, you might want to send them surveys that focus on their satisfaction with that specific product. On the other hand, customers who have a diverse purchase history might benefit from surveys that gather feedback on overall shopping experiences.

Segmentation provides the opportunity to customize survey questions based on the customer's interaction with your brand, leading to more insightful and targeted feedback.

2) Triggering NPS emails

Sending NPS emails at key touchpoints in the customer journey enhances the likelihood of obtaining valuable feedback. Identify crucial trigger points, such as after a purchase or when a customer achieves a milestone. This strategic timing ensures that the customer's experience is fresh in their mind, increasing the accuracy of their responses.

Consider the distinction between product and transactional NPS emails. Product NPS emails focus on the customer's satisfaction with a specific product, while transactional NPS emails gather feedback on the overall buying process. Determining when to send each type is essential – for instance, a product NPS can be triggered for all users at once or 30/60/90th day post signup, while a transactional NPS email could follow the completion of a significant transaction.

By aligning NPS emails with key milestones, you gather feedback when it matters most, allowing your team to address specific issues and enhance the overall customer experience.

3) Personalization

Utilize dynamic content to personalize NPS emails and create a one-on-one connection with customers. Incorporate their names and relevant data to make the communication feel tailored to their individual experiences. This personal touch increases the likelihood of customers engaging with and responding to the survey.

Craft the email in a conversational tone, making it clear that their feedback is valuable and directly impacts your commitment to improving their experience. A personalized approach fosters a sense of connection, encouraging customers to share their thoughts openly.

Remember, personalization is not just about using the customer's name; it's about demonstrating that you value their unique relationship with your brand. A well-personalized NPS email can significantly impact response rates and the quality of the feedback received.

4) Follow-up emails

Sending follow-up emails is a proactive strategy to boost survey participation. Craft gentle reminders for non-responders, emphasizing the importance of their feedback in shaping future improvements. Additionally, consider offering incentives to encourage customers to complete the survey.

Incentives can take various forms, such as discounts on future purchases, exclusive access to promotions, or entry into a prize draw. These added benefits not only express gratitude for their time but also motivate customers to share their opinions.

Timing is key with follow-up emails. Space reminders strategically to avoid being perceived as intrusive, striking a balance between persistence and respect for the customer's time.

5) A/B testing

A/B testing is a powerful tool for optimizing the performance of NPS email surveys. Experiment with different subject lines, email content, and design elements to identify what resonates best with your audience. By systematically testing variations, you can refine your approach based on real-time results.

For example, try testing two different subject lines to see which one generates a higher open rate. Similarly, experiment with different survey formats or question phrasing to assess which yields more comprehensive and actionable feedback.

Track and analyze the results of A/B tests to draw meaningful conclusions. Use this data-driven approach to continuously refine your NPS email strategy, ensuring that it evolves to align with the preferences and behaviors of your customer base. A commitment to A/B testing enhances the effectiveness of your NPS surveys, ultimately driving improvements in customer satisfaction and loyalty.

With effective NPS email surveys in place, the next crucial step is learning how to analyze and act on the feedback received – a key aspect of continuous improvement.

How to analyze and act on the NPS feedback received?

Collecting feedback is only the first step. In this section, we'll guide you through the process of analyzing NPS feedback and turning it into actionable insights. Learn how to identify patterns, prioritize improvements, and take strategic actions that align with your product's goals, all based on the feedback received from your customers:

Analyze NPS feedback

1) Calculating your NPS score:

To gauge customer satisfaction, calculate your Net Promoter Score (NPS) using a simple formula: subtract the percentage of Detractors (unhappy customers) from the percentage of Promoters (satisfied customers). Scores range from -100 to 100.

Formula and interpretation:

  • Formula: NPS = Percentage of Promoters - Percentage of Detractors.
  • Interpretation: A positive score indicates more satisfied customers, while a negative score suggests more dissatisfied customers. Aim for a positive score to foster growth.

Set realistic goals:

  • Establish achievable NPS goals based on industry benchmarks and your historical data.
  • Regularly track your progress to ensure continuous improvement.
  • Recognize that small, consistent increases in your NPS can lead to significant positive impacts.

2) Understanding the feedback:

To enhance your product, dive into the open-ended feedback provided by customers. Identify key themes and prioritize actions based on the most impactful feedback.

Analyze open-ended responses:

  • Scrutinize comments for recurring themes, noting both positive and negative sentiments.
  • Categorize feedback into specific areas, such as usability, features, or customer support.
  • Use sentiment analysis tools if available to quantify overall sentiment.

Prioritize actions:

  • Focus on addressing issues that impact the most customers or have the greatest potential for improvement.
  • Consider the severity of feedback; prioritize critical issues over minor concerns.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to develop actionable plans for improvement.

3) Closing the feedback loop:

To strengthen customer relations, communicate the actions taken based on their feedback. Show customers that their opinions matter and have a tangible impact on your product.

Inform customers:

  • Share updates on product improvements directly tied to customer feedback.
  • Use clear and concise communication to explain changes or updates.
  • Highlight how specific suggestions have influenced positive changes.

Show their voice matters:

  • Acknowledge and appreciate customers for their feedback.
  • Regularly update customers on ongoing initiatives driven by their input.
  • Implement a feedback loop where customers can see the impact of their suggestions.

Making a difference:

  • Emphasize the positive outcomes resulting from customer input.
  • Showcase success stories and improvements attributed to customer feedback.
  • Encourage continued participation by illustrating the real-world impact of their voices.

To further guide you in the practical application of NPS, let's examine real-life NPS email examples that showcase effective communication with users.

NPS email examples

Explore concrete examples of NPS emails that effectively engage users and encourage valuable feedback. Analyze the elements that make these emails successful in capturing meaningful insights from customers.:

1) Mailer Lite

Mailer Lite's NPS email example focuses on customer satisfaction. The simple and direct question, "How satisfied are you with Mailer Lite today?" prompts users to express their feelings about the email marketing platform.

Mailer Lite NPS email example

2) Slack

Slack's NPS email seeks to measure the likelihood of recommending the platform. The question, "How likely are you to recommend Slack to a friend?" directs feedback towards the user's overall satisfaction and advocacy.

Slack NPS email example

3) 1mg

1mg's NPS email example is post-purchase, focusing on order completion. The message, "Your order has been completed - Help us improve: How likely are you to recommend 1mg to your friends?" combines transactional details with a feedback request. This method helps them gain insights into both the user's experience with the order process and their likelihood of recommending the platform to others.

1mg NPS email example

Equipped with insights from NPS email examples, let's explore the tools that can streamline and enhance your NPS survey process.

Best tools to conduct NPS surveys

Choosing the right tools for NPS surveys is crucial for a seamless process. In this section, we'll introduce you to some of the best tools available for conducting NPS surveys. Make informed decisions on tools that align with your product goals and enhance the overall NPS experience:

1) Blitzllama

Best NPS survey tool

Blitzllama stands out as an effective in-product tool for conducting NPS surveys. Its seamless integration within the product interface ensures a hassle-free user experience. With straightforward prompts and unobtrusive placement, Blitzllama gathers valuable feedback without disrupting the user journey. The simplicity of its design facilitates high response rates, offering product teams a direct channel to understand user sentiments in real time. This in-product approach enhances engagement and produces actionable insights, making Blitzllama a go-to choice for teams keen on obtaining user feedback within the product environment.

2) Mailmodo


For product teams looking to leverage email channels for NPS surveys, Mailmodo emerges as a reliable tool. Its user-friendly interface allows teams to create visually appealing survey emails without intricate design skills. Mailmodo's tracking capabilities provide insights into email delivery, open rates, and survey responses. With customizable templates and personalized messaging options, it ensures a tailored survey experience for users. The straightforward email-based approach makes Mailmodo a valuable asset for product teams seeking to reach a broader user base and collect NPS data through a familiar communication channel.

3) Survicate


Survicate shines as a versatile tool for gathering NPS feedback across multiple touchpoints. Its adaptable survey deployment options include in-app, on websites, and through email, offering product teams flexibility in reaching their audience. The user-friendly survey builder requires no coding skills, enabling quick survey creation and deployment. Survicate's analytics dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of NPS data, aiding product teams in identifying trends and areas for improvement. With its broad applicability and easy-to-use features, Survicate proves to be a valuable asset for product teams aiming to conduct NPS surveys across various digital platforms.


In conclusion, crafting effective NPS survey emails is vital for product teams seeking valuable customer feedback. Start with a clear and concise subject line, followed by a straightforward question. Keep the email brief and easy to understand, ensuring it is mobile-friendly. Personalize messages to connect with users and increase response rates. Timing matters, so send surveys when interactions are fresh. Encourage honest opinions and express gratitude for their input. Monitor and analyze responses for actionable insights. By following these simple steps, product teams can optimize NPS email campaigns, fostering stronger customer relationships and enhancing the overall user experience.