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What is a good NPS score for SaaS: All you need to know (2024)

Discover what constitutes a good Net Promoter Score (NPS) for Software as a Service (SaaS) companies in this comprehensive guide.

October 3, 2024
Team Blitzllama

Are your SaaS users satisfied or secretly frustrated? Many product teams wrestle with determining the right Net Promoter Score (NPS) to gauge user happiness.

Feeling the pulse of your customers is vital, and understanding what constitutes a good NPS can be perplexing.

Our article simplifies the NPS puzzle for product teams. We cut through the confusion, offering clarity on what a solid NPS score looks like for SaaS.

Get practical insights into measuring and improving customer satisfaction in SaaS, without getting lost in the jargon.

What is the NPS score?

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a straightforward metric gauging customer satisfaction with a product or service.

It relies on a simple question: "On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our product to a friend or colleague?" Responses categorize customers into Promoters (9-10), Passives (7-8), or Detractors (0-6).

To calculate the NPS, subtract the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters. The resulting score helps teams grasp overall customer sentiment.

Regularly measuring and improving NPS aids in sustaining customer loyalty and product growth. Aim for a positive NPS, as it indicates satisfied customers who might promote your SaaS product.

Now that we've established the foundation of NPS, let's explore why it holds particular significance in the realm of Software as a Service.

Why is being aware of a good NPS score important in SaaS?

The NPS score plays a pivotal role in the success of SaaS products. Discover why SaaS product teams should pay close attention to this metric and how it directly impacts customer retention and business growth:

Why good NPS score SaaS

1) Customer satisfaction insights

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) holds paramount significance in the realm of Software as a Service (SaaS) for understanding customer satisfaction. By asking a straightforward question - “How likely are you to recommend our product to others?”, the NPS captures sentiments effectively. This simple metric offers actionable insights into whether users are content with the SaaS product or if improvements are needed.

2) User loyalty and retention

NPS is a key indicator of user loyalty and retention within the SaaS landscape. A high NPS signifies a strong likelihood of users sticking around and continuing their subscriptions. This simple score helps SaaS product teams gauge how well their offering aligns with user needs, fostering a loyal user base. The long-term success of SaaS ventures is strongly correlated with customer retention.

3) Referral potential and growth

One of the core strengths of NPS lies in its ability to measure the referral potential of a SaaS product. Users who score high on the NPS are not just satisfied; they are potential advocates who may actively recommend the product to others. Leveraging this word-of-mouth marketing can be instrumental in driving organic growth. A growing user base through referrals can be a sustainable source of expansion for SaaS businesses, reducing acquisition costs.

4) Continuous improvement and adaptation

The NPS serves as a compass for SaaS product teams, guiding them towards continuous improvement. A low NPS prompts a closer look at areas that may need enhancement, guiding teams to adapt and refine their product. Regularly tracking NPS allows SaaS companies to stay responsive to changing user needs. This user-centric approach is vital in the ever-evolving landscape of SaaS, ensuring products remain relevant and valuable.

Having grasped the importance of NPS in SaaS, the next step is to learn how to calculate this influential metric accurately.

How to calculate the NPS score for SaaS?

Calculating the NPS score involves a straightforward process, yet it holds substantial insights into customer satisfaction. In this section, we will guide you through the steps to accurately determine the NPS for your SaaS product:

1) Conduct the NPS survey:

To kick off the NPS calculation for your SaaS product, start by reaching out to your customers through a simple survey. Craft a single, straightforward question: "On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our product to a friend or colleague?" Keep it direct to get clear responses.

  • Survey delivery: Choose a method that suits your audience. Utilize email, in-app messages, or leverage a specialized NPS tool. Make sure the survey is accessible and easy to complete.
  • Customer engagement: Encourage participation by explaining the importance of their feedback. A higher response rate ensures a more accurate representation of your customer sentiments.
Example of an NPS survey

2) Categorize responses:

Once you've collected responses, categorize them into three groups to gain insights into customer loyalty and satisfaction levels.

  • Promoters (9-10): Identify your loyal customers. These individuals are highly likely to recommend your SaaS product to others. They are your brand advocates.
  • Passives (7-8): Pinpoint customers who are content but not overly enthusiastic. While satisfied, they might not actively promote your product unless prompted.
  • Detractors (0-6): Recognize customers expressing dissatisfaction. Detractors are unlikely to recommend your product and may even share negative feedback, potentially harming your brand reputation.
NPS categories

3) Calculate the NPS score:

With your categorized responses, it's time to calculate the Net Promoter Score (NPS), a vital metric for SaaS product teams.

  • Simple math: Subtract the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. For instance, if 40% of your respondents are promoters and 10% are detractors, your NPS score would be 30.
  • Interpretation: A positive NPS indicates a healthy customer sentiment, while a negative score signals areas for improvement. Regularly assess trends to gauge the impact of your team's efforts on customer satisfaction.
Net promoter score formula

With the NPS score in hand, the question arises – what constitutes a good NPS score for SaaS? Let's delve into that next.

How to determine a good NPS score for your SaaS?

Identifying a good NPS score is crucial for benchmarking and understanding your product's performance. In this section, we'll discuss the factors that contribute to a positive NPS and how to interpret the results for optimal decision-making:

How to determine a good NPS score for your SaaS?

1) Compare with known benchmarks in the industry

To determine if your Net Promoter Score (NPS) is good for your SaaS, start by comparing it with industry benchmarks. Look for reliable sources that provide benchmark data for similar SaaS products. 

A good NPS is often relative to your industry peers. If your score surpasses the average, it indicates positive customer sentiment. Conversely, if it lags behind, there may be areas for improvement. 

Regularly checking industry benchmarks keeps your assessment grounded and provides context to evaluate the effectiveness of your SaaS.

2) Segment the score to identify how various specific areas of the business/product perform

Breaking down your NPS allows for a deeper understanding of customer satisfaction. Segment the score to assess specific aspects of your SaaS, such as customer support, user interface, or features. 

This segmentation unveils strengths and weaknesses within your product. If, for example, the customer support segment shows a significantly lower score, it signals a need for enhancement in that area. 

By pinpointing these specifics, your team can direct efforts towards targeted improvements, ensuring a more nuanced and actionable approach to enhancing overall satisfaction.

3) Segment the score by channel

Analyzing NPS across different channels provides insights into how users interact with your SaaS. Compare scores from channels like email, in-app surveys, or social media. 

Understanding variances across these channels helps identify communication preferences and potential pain points. If a particular channel consistently yields lower scores, it might indicate a disconnect or challenges specific to that platform. 

By segmenting scores by channel, you gain valuable information to optimize communication strategies and improve customer experiences based on their preferred interaction mediums.

4) Benchmark yourself

Apart from industry benchmarks, benchmarking against your own historical data is crucial. Regularly track and compare your current NPS with past scores. 

A positive trend signals ongoing success, while a decline prompts an investigation into what changed. By benchmarking against your own performance, you establish a baseline for improvement efforts. 

Consistent monitoring of your NPS over time provides a comprehensive view of customer satisfaction trends, enabling your SaaS team to make informed decisions and implement targeted strategies to maintain or enhance your overall score.

Ascertaining what qualifies as a good NPS score leads us to a more specific question – what numerical range defines a 'good' NPS in the context of SaaS?

What is a good NPS score for SaaS?

While the NPS score can range from negative to positive, a score of 36 is considered a ‘good’ NPS score in the SaaS sector. In this section, we will reveal the NPS scores for both B2B and B2C SaaS. Understanding this benchmark can help you gauge customer loyalty and identify areas for improvement.

What is a good NPS score for B2B SaaS?

There's no magic number when it comes to Net Promoter Score (NPS) for B2B SaaS. It varies based on different factors. According to CustomerGauge's 2023 report, the average NPS for the SaaS industry stands at +36. However, top performers surpass this, achieving a score of 50% higher.

For B2B SaaS companies aiming to gauge their customer satisfaction, falling within this range is a good indicator. Retently's 2023 NPS benchmark adds depth to the understanding. They highlight an average NPS range for B2B industries falling between 39 and 65.

Therefore, a score within this range can be considered good when compared to industry benchmarks. B2B SaaS companies should strive to surpass the average and align their strategies with the top performers to ensure customer loyalty and positive recommendations.

What is a good NPS score for B2C SaaS?

Similar to B2B SaaS, there's no universal NPS benchmark for B2C SaaS. CustomerGauge's 2023 report establishes the average NPS for the SaaS industry at +36. However, for B2C SaaS companies, they suggest setting a goal of +54.

This higher target reflects the consumer-centric nature of B2C SaaS, emphasizing the need for stronger customer advocacy. B2C SaaS teams should aim for an NPS score that not only surpasses the industry average but also aligns with the recommended goal.

Achieving an NPS of +54 indicates a high level of customer satisfaction and loyalty. This elevated score is crucial in the B2C SaaS space, where positive word-of-mouth and customer recommendations play a significant role in acquiring and retaining users.

NPS scores of top SaaS companies

SaaS Company

NPS Score

Nutanix NPS score


NetMotion NPS score


Cohesity NPS score


Druva NPS score


AppDynamics NPS score


Qumulo NPS score


SignNow NPS score


Veeam NPS score


Zoom NPS score


Snowflake NPS score


Square NPS score


Cleo NPS score


Netflix NPS score


DocuSign NPS score


Paypal NPS score


CustomerGauge NPS score


Google NPS score


Slack NPS score


Dropbox NPS score


Intuit NPS score


Hulu NPS score


YouTube NPS score


Instagram NPS score


Atlassian NPS score


Shopify NPS score


Idera NPS score


Uber NPS score


eBay NPS score


Adobe NPS score


Twilio NPS score


Microsoft NPS score


Twitch NPS score


Yahoo NPS score


Mailchimp NPS score


LinkedIn NPS score


SalesForce NPS score


Facebook NPS score


Lyft NPS score


Tumblr NPS score


Data source: CustomerGauge

While understanding the benchmarks is essential, it's equally important to be aware of the challenges associated with benchmarking NPS scores in the dynamic landscape of SaaS. Let's explore those challenges next.

What are the challenges with benchmarking and evaluating NPS scores in SaaS?

Despite the benefits of benchmarking NPS scores, there are challenges unique to the SaaS industry. In this section, we'll discuss these challenges and offer strategies to navigate them effectively:

1) Many different factors can affect NPS scores

Benchmarking and evaluating Net Promoter Scores (NPS) in SaaS present unique challenges. 

NPS scores can be influenced by various factors, such as product usability, customer support effectiveness, and even pricing models.

Factors affecting NPS score

These factors differ across SaaS platforms, making it challenging to establish a universal benchmark. 

Product teams must recognize that a single metric might not capture the complexity of customer satisfaction, requiring a nuanced approach to interpretation.

2) NPS scores vary greatly between industries (within SaaS)

Comparing NPS scores across different SaaS industries can be misleading. 

Each industry has distinct customer expectations and norms. 

For instance, a high NPS in one SaaS sector might not translate to success in another. 

SaaS Category

Average NPS Score

HR Software


Project Management


Marketing Automation




Cloud & Hosting




Financial Services






Security & Cyberdefense


Internet Software & Services


Overall SaaS Average


Data source: CustomerGauge, CustomerGuru, and Beamer

Understanding industry-specific benchmarks is crucial for accurate evaluation. 

SaaS product teams should focus on setting benchmarks within their own industry context rather than relying on generic standards, acknowledging the diversity of customer preferences and experiences.

3) Customers have different tolerance levels across industries too

Customer tolerance levels for issues like downtime, bugs, or delays differ significantly between SaaS industries. 

Customers have different tolerance levels across industries
Source: Datalabs

A minor inconvenience that might be overlooked in one sector could be a critical concern in another. 

Assessing NPS scores without considering these industry-specific tolerances can lead to misinterpretation. 

SaaS product teams must tailor their evaluation criteria based on the unique expectations of their customer base, ensuring a more accurate representation of customer satisfaction.

4) Customer engagement will differ between features/products

Not all SaaS products have the same level of customer engagement. 

Some products or features might be used daily, while others may be utilized sporadically. 

This variance in usage patterns directly impacts the NPS scores. 

Product teams must recognize that the frequency and depth of customer interactions influence satisfaction levels. 

Customer engagement will differ between features/products
Source: MDPI

Evaluating NPS without factoring in the nature of customer engagement may result in skewed conclusions. 

It is essential for SaaS product teams to tailor their benchmarking strategies according to the specific dynamics of their product's usage.

Overcoming challenges is a step towards improvement. Discover actionable strategies to enhance your NPS score and, consequently, your SaaS product's success.

How to improve your NPS?

Elevating your NPS score involves a targeted approach to address customer concerns and enhance their experience. Learn practical tips and strategies to boost your NPS, fostering greater customer satisfaction and loyalty for your SaaS product:

Improve NPS score for your SaaS

1) Collect NPS data strategically:

  • Timing matters: Don't survey customers immediately after major updates or negative experiences. Consider sending surveys at key points in the customer journey, like onboarding, renewals, or support interactions.
  • Segment your audience: Tailor surveys to different customer segments (e.g., by user type, plan, or industry) for more actionable insights.
  • Go beyond the score: Combine the NPS question with open-ended questions to understand the "why" behind their score and identify specific areas for improvement.

2) Analyze and act upon feedback:

  • Don't just measure, act: Analyze NPS data regularly and identify patterns in detractors' and passives' responses. Prioritize addressing their pain points and concerns.
  • Close the feedback loop: Reach out to detractors directly to understand their issues and offer personalized solutions. Show them you care about their feedback.
  • Turn promoters into advocates: Leverage promoters' positive feedback by asking for testimonials, case studies, or referrals. Showcase their success stories to attract new customers.

3) Improve the customer experience:

  • Focus on product usability: Ensure your product is easy to learn and use, with intuitive navigation and helpful features. Consider in-app guidance or walkthroughs to boost user adoption.
  • Provide excellent support: Offer responsive and efficient customer support across multiple channels. Proactively address common issues and go the extra mile to resolve problems.
  • Value customer feedback: Integrate customer feedback into your product roadmap and development process. Prioritize features and improvements that address their needs and pain points.

Armed with insights on calculating, benchmarking, and improving your NPS, your product team is now equipped to elevate customer satisfaction and drive success in the competitive SaaS landscape.


In essence, a solid NPS score for SaaS lies in the range of 30 to 50, indicating satisfied users and room for improvement. Maintaining open channels for feedback and swift response to concerns is pivotal. 

Aiming for continuous enhancement is key, as an ever-evolving SaaS landscape demands adaptability. Striving for a higher NPS not only signifies customer contentment but also unlocks growth opportunities. 

Remember, a satisfied user today is a potential advocate tomorrow. So, focus on the user experience, listen attentively, and make thoughtful adjustments. Consistent dedication to user satisfaction is the bedrock for a thriving SaaS product in the competitive market.

More resources on NPS

What is tNPS: A comprehensive guide

Transactional vs Relational NPS: Which One Do You Need?

NPS vs CSAT: Selecting the Right Feedback Metric