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Optimize NPS question wording: An in-depth guide (2024)

Transform your NPS from "meh" to "wow"! Discover powerful strategies for NPS question wording that ignite customer loyalty & actionable feedback.

January 27, 2024
Team Blitzllama

Are your NPS survey responses not giving you the insights you need? Ever wondered why customers seem hesitant to share their true feelings? 

Many product owners and managers face this common challenge. Understanding customer sentiment is crucial, and it starts with asking the right NPS questions

In this guide, we empathize with the struggle and offer a straightforward solution. We break down the art of crafting effective NPS question wordings, ensuring your surveys yield valuable, actionable feedback.

What is an NPS question?

An NPS question, or Net Promoter Score question, is a straightforward tool used by product owners and managers to measure customer satisfaction and loyalty. It's designed to gauge how likely customers are to recommend a product or service to others.

There are two main categories of NPS questions: relational and transactional

1) Relational NPS questions

Relational NPS questions focus on the overall customer experience with a brand or company. These questions typically ask customers to rate their satisfaction with the brand on a scale from 0 to 10 and provide an opportunity for customers to share open-ended feedback.

2) Transactional NPS questions

Transactional NPS questions, on the other hand, zoom in on specific interactions or transactions between the customer and the business. These questions seek feedback on recent experiences, such as a purchase, customer service interaction, or any specific touchpoint. Similar to relational questions, customers are asked to rate their likelihood of recommending the product or service based on that particular interaction.

Both types of NPS questions use a simple 0 to 10 scale. Respondents who provide a score of 9 or 10 are considered promoters, indicating high satisfaction and a strong likelihood to recommend. Scores of 7 or 8 categorize respondents as passives, expressing moderate satisfaction. Scores of 0 to 6 identify respondents as detractors, signaling dissatisfaction.

NPS categories

Calculating the Net Promoter Score involves subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. This yields a score between -100 and 100, providing a clear metric for assessing overall customer satisfaction and loyalty. By utilizing NPS questions, product owners and managers gain valuable insights to make informed decisions and enhance their products or services based on customer feedback.

Now that we've clarified the basics of NPS questions, let's explore why the wording of these questions holds substantial significance in the realm of customer feedback and loyalty assessment.

Why is the wording of the NPS question important?

The power of an NPS survey lies not just in asking the question but in how you phrase it. The wording of the NPS question can profoundly impact the quality and reliability of the feedback received. 

Why is the wording of the NPS question important?

In this section, we dissect the importance of choosing the right words and delve into the nuances that can make or break the effectiveness of your NPS survey:

1) Clarity and accuracy

Precise target:

The success of Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys hinges on the clarity and precision of the wording used in the key question. 

To gather accurate insights, it is vital that the question explicitly identifies the subject of the recommendation. 

Vague terms such as "it" or "this" can lead to confusion, resulting in respondents providing feedback that may not align with the intended focus. 

For instance, specifying whether the recommendation pertains to "our company," "this product," or "a recent service you received" ensures respondents understand what they are evaluating. 

This clarity aids in obtaining precise data, preventing misinterpretations, and maintaining the accuracy of the NPS.

Focused intent:

The wording of the NPS question plays a pivotal role in directing respondents towards the desired aspect – the likelihood to recommend. 

While satisfaction and overall experience are important, the core of the NPS lies in measuring advocacy. Employing terms like "promote," "champion," or "advocate" in the question emphasizes the active recommendation element. 

This ensures that respondents are evaluating not just their satisfaction but also their willingness to actively endorse the product, service, or company. 

By focusing on intent, the NPS question becomes a more powerful tool for gauging the potential for positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

2) Response rate and engagement

Simplicity and brevity:

When it comes to NPS surveys, simplicity is key to boosting response rates. 

Crafting a question that is clear, concise, and easy to understand encourages more individuals to participate, especially in short surveys. 

Avoiding technical jargon or unnecessarily complex phrasing ensures that the question is accessible to a broader audience. 

A straightforward query about recommending a product or service creates a survey experience that is user-friendly, promoting increased engagement from respondents.

Relevance and specificity:

Tailoring the wording of the NPS question to the specific context enhances its relevance and the quality of responses. 

Whether post-purchase or after a customer support interaction, the question should align with the recent experience. 

A relevant and specific question demonstrates to respondents that their feedback is valued and contributes to meaningful insights. 

This tailored approach not only increases engagement but also leads to more accurate and actionable data for product owners and managers to work with.

3) Data interpretation and actionability

Consistent benchmarks:

Maintaining consistency in the wording of the NPS question is crucial for effective data interpretation. 

Consistency enables accurate comparisons over time and between different groups, facilitating a clear understanding of trends and changes. 

When benchmarks remain uniform, product owners and managers can confidently analyze NPS scores across various periods and demographics. 

This consistent approach contributes to the reliability of the NPS as a metric for evaluating customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Actionable insights:

The wording of the NPS question significantly influences how respondents interpret the scoring scale and categorize themselves as promoters, passives, or detractors. 

Clear and specific language helps individuals align their responses with the intended categories. This, in turn, impacts the overall NPS score and the type of feedback received. 

By ensuring the question generates actionable insights, product owners and managers can pinpoint areas for improvement and strategic focus. 

The right wording not only defines the NPS score but also provides valuable qualitative feedback, aiding in the development of targeted strategies for enhancing customer loyalty and advocacy.

Now that we understand the importance of NPS question wording, let's explore the key principles that guide the crafting of effective questions for optimal customer feedback.

Key principles for effective NPS question wording

Crafting effective NPS questions is an art and a science. In this section, we will explore the key principles that should guide you in formulating questions that yield meaningful responses:

Key principles for effective NPS question wording

1) Clarity:

Effective Net Promoter Score (NPS) wording begins with clarity. Employ straightforward, easily comprehensible language tailored to your target audience, often product owners and managers. 

Avoid complex terms that may lead to confusion. Craft questions with simplicity in mind, ensuring that respondents grasp the query effortlessly. Clear communication is foundational for gathering accurate and meaningful feedback.

2) Specificity:

Tailoring NPS questions to your product’s unique value proposition is crucial. Craft questions that directly align with the distinct experiences users have with your product. 

Be specific about features or aspects that set your product apart. By doing so, you gather feedback that delves into the specifics of user satisfaction or concerns, providing insights into the areas that matter most to your product’s success.

3) Context:

To enhance the relevance and recall of respondents, frame NPS questions within a specific context. Reference recent interactions or touchpoints, prompting users to reflect on their experiences more vividly. 

This targeted approach ensures that feedback is tied to recent events, minimizing the likelihood of generic responses. Contextual framing encourages users to provide insights grounded in the immediacy of their interactions, fostering more accurate and actionable feedback.

4) Actionability:

To extract valuable insights, move beyond numeric ratings. Encourage respondents to elaborate on their ratings with open-ended follow-up questions. Prompt users to share the 'why' behind their score, enabling you to comprehend the nuances of their feedback. 

This approach transforms NPS from a mere numerical metric into a tool for comprehensive understanding. By focusing on actionable insights, you empower your team to address specific issues and enhance overall customer satisfaction.

Having established the principles for effective NPS wording, it's time to understand how to tailor your questions to different stages of the customer journey.

NPS question wording variations for different stages

Navigating the various stages of the customer journey requires nuanced approaches to NPS questioning. This section will provide insights into tailoring your questions to different stages, ensuring that your surveys are relevant and yield valuable feedback:

1) Onboarding:

Effective onboarding sets the stage for a positive user experience. Crafting NPS (Net Promoter Score) questions during this stage helps gather valuable insights for product owners and managers.

a) "Considering your recent onboarding experience, on a scale from 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our product?"

  • This question captures the essence of the onboarding phase, emphasizing the significance of first impressions.
  • Responses provide a clear indication of users' initial experiences, helping product teams identify areas for improvement.

b) "Did our onboarding process meet your expectations in terms of ease of use?"

  • Simplifying the language ensures clarity, enabling users to express their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the onboarding process.
  • This question focuses on a critical aspect – the ease with which users can navigate and understand the platform.

c) "Is there anything we could have done differently during onboarding to improve your experience?"

  • Encourages users to provide specific feedback, offering actionable insights for product improvements.
  • The use of "one thing" makes the question concise and straightforward, facilitating user responses.

d) “What was the most memorable part of your onboarding experience?”

  • Encourages users to reflect on standout moments, helping to pinpoint positive or negative aspects of the onboarding journey.
  • Provides qualitative insights into what resonates with users during the initial interaction with the product.

2) Active usage:

As users actively engage with a product, understanding their satisfaction levels and perceived value becomes crucial. Crafting NPS questions tailored to this stage aids in obtaining relevant feedback.

a) "After X weeks of using our platform, how likely are you to recommend it to others?"

  • This question measures satisfaction over a specific timeframe, allowing product teams to assess the evolving user sentiment.
  • The inclusion of "X weeks" ensures a concrete timeframe for users to reflect on their ongoing experience.

b) "On a scale of 1 to 5, how much value do you currently derive from our platform?"

  • Provides a quantitative measure of user satisfaction, making it easier for product owners to track changes over time.
  • The simplicity of the scale encourages quick responses while still capturing valuable data.

c) "What features or aspects of our platform do you find most valuable in your day-to-day activities?"

  • Directly targets users' perceived value by asking about specific features, aiding in identifying strengths and areas for further enhancement.
  • Focusing on "day-to-day activities" ensures relevance to users' regular interactions with the product.

Follow-up questions:

  • "What features of our app do you find most valuable?"
  • "Have you encountered any challenges or issues while using the app?"
  • "Is there any functionality or feature you feel is missing or could be improved?"
  • "How has our app met or failed to meet your expectations?"
  • "What suggestions do you have for enhancing your experience with our app?"

3) Predict churn:

First NPS question: "On a scale from 0 to 10, how likely are you to continue your subscription with us in the next billing cycle?"

  • This primary question gauges the user's intention to continue their subscription, providing an early indicator of potential churn.
  • It facilitates a quick response, making it convenient for users to express their likelihood to renew their subscription.

Follow-up questions:

  • 0-6 (detractors): "We're sorry to hear that. Can you share what's leading you to consider not continuing your subscription?"
  • 7-8 (passives): "Thanks for your response. What could we do to improve your experience?"
  • 9-10 (promoters): "Great to hear! What do you enjoy most about our service?"

These follow-up questions tailor the response based on the initial rating, providing insights into the reasons behind potential churn, areas for improvement, or aspects that contribute to a positive experience.

With a comprehensive understanding of NPS wording variations, let's explore the tools that can elevate the execution of NPS surveys.

Best tools for conducting NPS surveys

Executing NPS surveys efficiently requires the right tools. In this concluding section, we present a curated list of the best tools for conducting NPS surveys:

1) Blitzllama


Blitzllama stands out for its seamless in-product surveys and AI analysis. Product owners and managers can easily integrate Blitzllama into their products, allowing them to gather customer feedback effortlessly. The AI analysis feature helps in decoding responses, providing valuable insights with (minimal) manual interpretation. This user-friendly tool ensures a smooth survey experience for both the respondents and the survey creators, making it an efficient choice for obtaining actionable data.

2) Survey Monkey

Survey Monkey

Survey Monkey offers product owners and managers a straightforward platform for creating surveys. With its user-friendly interface, even those with minimal technical expertise can design and deploy surveys quickly. The tool provides a variety of question types and customization options, allowing for tailored surveys that suit specific needs. Survey Monkey's robust analytics help in extracting meaningful data, enabling product teams to make informed decisions based on customer feedback.

3) Typeform


Typeform stands out for its interactive survey design, enhancing user engagement. Product owners and managers can create visually appealing surveys with a conversational approach, making the feedback process more enjoyable for respondents. The tool's flexibility in question formatting and design allows for a personalized touch, resulting in more accurate and insightful responses. Typeform's analytics provide a clear overview of survey results, aiding product teams in understanding customer sentiments and preferences effectively.


In conclusion, refining the wording of your Net Promoter Score (NPS) questions is crucial for actionable insights. Craft clear and concise inquiries to elicit honest feedback from customers. Focus on simplicity, using language easily understood by all. 

Direct questions, free from ambiguity, empower respondents to express their opinions accurately. Strive for relevance to gather insights specific to your product or service. Regularly reassess and adapt question-wording based on customer feedback trends. 

By optimizing NPS question formulation, product owners and managers can enhance the effectiveness of their feedback collection, fostering a deeper understanding of customer sentiment and driving improvements for sustained business growth.