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What is tNPS: A comprehensive guide (2024)

Learn how to calculate tNPS (Transactional Net Promoter Score), understand its importance, explore different types of tNPS surveys, and much more.

October 21, 2024
Team Blitzllama

Ever wonder if your customers truly like your product or service? Transactional Net Promoter Score (tNPS) holds the key. 

Many product teams struggle with understanding customer satisfaction post-transaction. The challenge lies in decoding the sentiment accurately. 

This comprehensive guide empathizes with your struggle and breaks down tNPS in simple terms. It unveils the method businesses employ to survey customers after each interaction. 

No complex jargon here – just a straightforward approach to demystify tNPS and help your product team gain actionable insights. Unlock the secrets to customer satisfaction in this guide tailored for those committed to enhancing their product experience.

What is tNPS?

tNPS, or transactional Net Promoter Score, is a method businesses employ to gather customer feedback after a purchase or interaction. 

It gauges customer satisfaction based on a simple question: "How likely are you to recommend our product/service to others?" Respondents rate on a scale from 0 to 10. 

Those giving high scores (9-10) are promoters, while lower scores (0-6) indicate detractors. Subtracting detractors from promoters yields the tNPS score. Higher scores imply positive customer experiences. 

Regular tNPS assessments help product teams pinpoint areas for improvement and enhance overall customer satisfaction, contributing to business growth through positive word-of-mouth recommendations.

Now that you grasp the essence of tNPS, let's explore how it differs from the conventional Net Promoter Score (NPS) and why this distinction is vital for your product team's success.

How does tNPS differ from NPS?

tNPS, or Transaction Net Promoter Score, stands apart from NPS, or Net Promoter Score, in its focus on specific customer transactions or interactions. While both aim to gauge customer satisfaction and loyalty, tNPS narrows its lens to gather feedback related to particular instances.

NPS typically measures overall customer loyalty and satisfaction based on a broader view of the entire customer experience. In contrast, tNPS zooms in on individual touchpoints, offering a more detailed understanding of customer sentiment after specific transactions.

The key distinction lies in the timing and granularity of the feedback. tNPS captures insights immediately following a customer's interaction with the product, providing real-time data on transactional satisfaction. This immediate feedback loop enables product teams to pinpoint areas for improvement promptly, addressing issues at the transactional level.


tNPS (Transactional NPS)

NPS (Net Promoter Score)


Measures customer satisfaction based on a specific transaction or interaction.

Measures overall customer loyalty and satisfaction with a brand or company.


Captures feedback immediately after a specific transaction or touchpoint.

Typically measured over a more extended period, assessing the overall relationship with the brand.

Question Format

"Based on this [specific interaction/transaction], how likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?"

"How likely is it that you would recommend our company/product/service to a friend or colleague?"


Focused on a specific transaction or touchpoint, allowing for targeted improvement.

Provides a holistic view of customer loyalty and helps identify areas for overall business improvement.

Use Case

Often used in industries where individual transactions are crucial, such as retail, hospitality, or e-commerce.

Widely used across various industries to assess overall customer loyalty, brand perception, and advocacy.


Similar to NPS, calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters.

Calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters.

Frequency of Measurement

Can be measured after each transaction, allowing for real-time feedback.

Typically measured at regular intervals, such as quarterly or annually, to gauge long-term trends.


Benchmarking against industry standards may be more challenging due to specific transactional contexts.

Easier to benchmark against industry standards as it provides an overall view of customer loyalty.

As we differentiate the nuances between tNPS and NPS, it's time to uncover the substantial benefits of tracking and measuring tNPS in your product development journey.

What are the benefits of tracking and measuring tNPS?

Tracking and measuring tNPS offer product teams invaluable advantages in optimizing their offerings. This section will outline the specific benefits that come with employing tNPS for your product:

Benefits of tracking and measuring tNPS

1) Get immediate feedback and identify friction points

tNPS, or transactional Net Promoter Score, plays a crucial role for product teams in gaining immediate feedback from customers. 

By surveying customers right after a transaction or interaction, teams can quickly pinpoint any friction points in the user experience. 

This real-time insight is invaluable for identifying areas that might be causing dissatisfaction or frustration for users. With this prompt feedback, teams can swiftly address issues and enhance the overall customer experience.

2) Optimize the touchpoints in the customer journey

Understanding the touchpoints in the customer journey is pivotal for product teams seeking to improve their offerings. tNPS allows teams to optimize these touchpoints by capturing customer sentiment at specific moments. 

Analyzing the feedback collected through tNPS surveys helps teams identify the strengths and weaknesses in the customer journey. 

This insight empowers teams to make informed adjustments, refining interactions and ensuring a smoother, more satisfying experience for customers at every stage.

3) Understand what drives customer satisfaction

For product teams, uncovering the factors that drive customer satisfaction is fundamental for success. tNPS surveys provide a straightforward method to gather customer opinions and preferences. 

By analyzing the responses, teams can identify the key drivers behind customer satisfaction. 

This understanding allows product teams to prioritize efforts on aspects that matter most to customers, ultimately leading to increased satisfaction and loyalty.

4) Immediate feedback loop

One of the standout advantages of tNPS is the establishment of an immediate feedback loop. Unlike traditional surveys conducted at spaced intervals, tNPS captures customer sentiment in the moment. 

This swift feedback loop enables product teams to stay agile and responsive. By addressing issues promptly and adapting strategies based on real-time feedback, teams can foster a customer-centric approach. 

The immediate feedback loop facilitated by tNPS ensures that product teams can continuously refine and enhance their offerings to meet evolving customer expectations.

Now that you're aware of the benefits of tNPS, let's explore the various types of tNPS surveys you can employ to gather valuable customer feedback.

What are the types of tNPS surveys?

Choosing the right tNPS survey type is crucial for gathering relevant and actionable data. In this section, we will explore the various types of tNPS surveys available to product teams:

1) Post-purchase surveys:

Post-purchase surveys are conducted after customers make a transaction. This type of tNPS survey aims to gauge customer satisfaction with the overall purchase experience. 

Questions often revolve around the ease of the buying process, product satisfaction, and delivery efficiency. By collecting feedback immediately after a purchase, businesses gain insights into what aspects of the transaction delighted or disappointed customers.

Post-purchase surveys

2) Customer service interaction surveys:

Customer service interaction surveys focus on evaluating the satisfaction levels of customers after interacting with support teams. These surveys help businesses understand the effectiveness of their customer service in resolving issues and addressing concerns. 

Questions in this type of tNPS survey may inquire about the clarity of communication, resolution speed, and the helpfulness of the support agents. By pinpointing areas of improvement, companies can enhance their customer service offerings.

Customer service interaction surveys

3) New feature/product update surveys:

When introducing new features or updates to products, companies often use tNPS surveys to gather feedback from users. These surveys aim to measure how well these changes align with customer expectations and needs. 

Questions may address the perceived value of the new features, ease of adaptation, and overall satisfaction with the updates. By involving customers in the feedback loop, product teams can refine their offerings to better meet user preferences.

New feature/product update surveys

4) New customer onboarding survey:

New customer onboarding surveys are designed to assess the initial experiences of customers with a brand. These surveys typically cover aspects such as the ease of setting up an account, clarity of onboarding instructions, and the overall satisfaction with the initial interactions. 

Gathering feedback during the onboarding phase helps companies identify potential hurdles for new customers and streamline the onboarding process for improved user satisfaction.

New customer onboarding survey

Having explored the types of tNPS surveys, let's move on to the practical aspect of calculating tNPS and understanding the numerical representation of customer satisfaction.

How do you calculate tNPS?

Calculating tNPS involves a straightforward process that product teams can easily integrate into their workflow. This section will break down the steps involved in calculating tNPS, providing a clear and concise guide:

Step 1: Identify the transactional touchpoint

Begin by pinpointing the specific interaction or transaction you want to evaluate. This could be after the customer completes a purchase, interacts with customer support, or uses a particular feature of your SaaS product. For instance, let's consider the scenario of a customer completing an onboarding process for a project management tool.

Step 2: Ask the ultimate question

To gauge customer satisfaction, ask your customers a straightforward question: "How likely are you to recommend our [product/feature/support] based on your recent experience?" Provide a scale, typically ranging from 0 to 10, with 0 being "Not at all likely" and 10 being "Extremely likely."

tNPS survey

Step 3: Categorize responses

Classify the responses into three categories based on the given scores:

Promoters (Score 9-10): These are enthusiastic and satisfied customers who are likely to recommend your product.

Passives (Score 7-8): These customers are satisfied but not overly enthusiastic. They may recommend your product, but it's not a guarantee.

Detractors (Score 0-6): These are dissatisfied customers who may not recommend your product and might even share negative feedback.

tNPS categories

Step 4: Calculate tNPS score

Subtract the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters to determine your tNPS score. The formula is simple:

tNPS = % Promoters − % Detractors

For example, if 40% of respondents are Promoters and 10% are Detractors, the tNPS score would be 30 (40 - 10).

Calculate tNPS score

Step 5: Interpret the results

The resulting tNPS score gives you a clear indication of customer satisfaction at the specific transactional touchpoint. A positive score suggests that more customers are promoters, indicating a positive experience. Conversely, a negative score signals a need for improvement in the customer experience.

Now equipped with the knowledge of calculating tNPS, let's tackle the question that often lingers – what constitutes a good tNPS score for your product?

What is a good tNPS score?

Determining a definitive good tNPS score isn't universal, varying by industry. Research is key to identifying what's good for your business.

Typically, a tNPS below 0 signals serious product issues. A score between 0 and 30 is generally considered good, though there's room for enhancement.

If your score exceeds 30, it likely means you have more satisfied (than dissatisfied) users. Scores can even reach 70, indicating not just satisfaction but customers actively recommending your product.

Note: The scores are highly generalized, you need to conduct some market research to find the median for your industry and analyze the score accordingly.

With a clear understanding of what constitutes a good tNPS score, let's explore the best tools available to conduct tNPS surveys efficiently.

Best tools to conduct tNPS surveys

Selecting the right tools for tNPS surveys is key to obtaining accurate and actionable data. This section will highlight some of the best tools available for product teams to conduct tNPS surveys:

1) Blitzllama


Blitzllama stands out as a potent tool for conducting tNPS surveys, offering an in-product survey solution coupled with robust AI analysis. This tool seamlessly integrates into your product, allowing you to gather feedback from users directly within the application. The AI-powered analysis swiftly processes responses, providing valuable insights without manual effort. Blitzllama's user-friendly interface makes it a go-to choice for product teams seeking a hassle-free yet powerful solution to measure and understand their tNPS.

2) Userpilot


Userpilot emerges as a reliable tool for product teams aiming to conduct tNPS surveys efficiently. This platform enables the creation of targeted in-app surveys, ensuring precise feedback collection from users. With Userpilot, you can design surveys that align with your product's user experience seamlessly. The tool's intuitive interface empowers product teams to create, deploy, and analyze tNPS surveys effortlessly. Userpilot's user-centric approach makes it a valuable asset for product teams striving to enhance user satisfaction and overall product experience.

3) SurveyMonkey

Survey Monkey

SurveyMonkey, a widely recognized survey tool, proves its versatility in tNPS survey endeavors. This platform allows product teams to design customized surveys tailored to their specific needs. With a user-friendly interface, SurveyMonkey simplifies the survey creation process, making it accessible for teams with varying technical expertise. The tool provides comprehensive analytics, aiding product teams in deciphering tNPS scores and feedback effectively. SurveyMonkey's reputation for reliability and ease of use positions it as a go-to choice for product teams seeking a straightforward yet powerful solution for tNPS surveys.


In summary, tNPS, or transactional Net Promoter Score, is a straightforward tool for product teams to gauge customer satisfaction based on specific interactions. By asking a simple question about likelihood of recommendation, teams can swiftly identify areas for improvement and measure the impact of changes. Its simplicity makes tNPS an accessible metric for continuous enhancement of user experiences. Regularly collecting and analyzing tNPS data enables teams to align their efforts with customer expectations, fostering loyalty and growth. Incorporating tNPS into the product development process empowers teams to make informed decisions, ultimately leading to enhanced customer satisfaction and sustained success.

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Transactional vs Relational NPS: Which One Do You Need?